Davey Spa Quip Swirl Booster Jet Grey
Swimming Pool Liner Quote Form

As Swimming Pool Liners often a complex item to purchase for the average person. Epools has given a more assured method to help in your Swimming Pool Liner project.
This can be for either an Above Ground Swimming Pool Liner or Inground Swimming Pool Liner.
Please fill out the form below to assist us in the selection of the correct liner.
What IS The Right Cover For You?

Solar Pool Covers – Pool Blankets – Bubble Blankets

What ever you choose to call these pool covers, they’re a valuable accessory to your pool. When you use a pool cover, you’ll save water, reduce chemical consumption and make it easier to maintain your pool. Solar covers have the added benefits of heating your pool too.
So it’s really not a question of ‘do I need a pool cover?’, but rather, ‘which pool cover best suits me?’. A solar cover? A leaf cover? A shut down cover? A non heating cover? A thermal cover?
Oasis solar pool covers and blankets are manufactured using the revolutionary ‘SmartBubble’ profile. SmartBubble boasts all the benefits of our original bubble shape, in a bubble that is around 20% flatter – making ABGAL solar covers more compact and easier to handle.
What are the main benefits of an ABGAL Oasis Solar Pool Cover?
- Save water. The Oasis 400 and 500 micron varieties have been independently tested, and proven to stop up to 99.84% of evaporation.
- You’ll swim sooner and longer – your pool cover will increase the water temperature by up to 8°C, giving you a warmer pool, for longer.
- Your chemical consumption will be greatly reduced. Once a pool cover is installed, we recommend that automated chlorinators be turned down by 50%.
- All Oasis covers are suitable for both salt water and chlorinated pools.
- All Oasis solar pool covers are specially treated to resist UV damage.
- Made in Australia, Oasis pool covers are made from category 4 LDPE – so are completely recyclable!
Thermal Pool Covers – Heatshield

A thermal pool cover is an ideal choice for heated pools. Recognised as the most effective type of cover for pool insulation, it acts like a doona for your pool. Once your pool is warm, Heatshield will help retain that temperature, stopping a whopping 75% of heat loss. It will also stop around 95% of evaporation, reduce chemical consumption by half, and if your pool heater is electric, will reduce your power bill substantially.
Manufactured using a double reinforced, 4.5mm thick multi-layered construction, the water proof, closed-cell polyethylene foam gives the blanket its superior thermal resistance qualities. The impermeable base layer gives it its chemical resistance.
In a domestic environment, Heatshield carries an 8 year pro-rata warranty against UV degradation and 12 months against delamination.
Benefits include:
- Cut heat loss by 75%.
- Reducing total heating (solar, electric, gas, etc) costs by 35%.
- Cut evaporation by 95% reducing your chemical consumption by up to 50%.
- Eliminates most corrosive condensation that forms with indoor pools.
- Better insulating properties than a bubble blanket.
- Ideal for all heated pools.
Leaf covers for above ground swimming pools
Leafstopâ„¢ Pool Covers

This lightweight and easy to use pool cover is made from a high tech, exclusively blended, micro mesh fabric that stops leaves from getting in, but allows rain water through.
As well as keeping leaves and debris out, a Leafstop cover will also reduce evaporation by around half, therefore reducing chemical use.
It has a generous overlap in excess of 300mm to allow for fitting over the pool coping and ladder – and is supplied with a marine grade stretch cord (bungee cord) which is threaded through grommets in the hem, and the cover simply stretches over the pool’s top rail like a big shower cap!.
The Abgal Pool Cover Float is an ideal way to stop leaf debris pocketing in the middle of the cover and weighing it down.

The grommets are fitted at 400mm (approx 15″) spacings so you can tie down the cover and use it with a pool cover float.
Leafstop is suitable for all above ground shaped and Intex / KD style pools, and comes in a wide range of standard sizes and shapes, including keyhole, rectangular and teardrop.
For large pools, Leafstop covers can be easily ‘built’ using special modular panels. Modular panels are supplied as end and centre panels, and do require assembly.
Keep leaves, debris and ducks out of your pool, all year-round with Pooltex

If leaves, debris, ducks and other animals are a problem in your pool, then a fitted Pooltex cover is ideal. Made of a specialist mesh fabric, these trampoline style pool covers let rain water in, but keep everything else out. Covers are custom made to order, and can be fitted to any pool shape – ladders, rocks, water features and even an infinity edge can be accommodated.
When in use, a Pooltex cover is secured to the pool surrounds with special fittings, and when the cover comes off, so do the fittings. This way there are no protrusions left on the pool edge, so when you pack the cover away, it’s completely out of sight.
Pooltex Leafstop Cover
Each cover is made with welded seams for a smooth finish and rope reinforced hem for strength. Usually easily handled by one person, a Pooltexâ„¢ Leafstop cover folds away in its own storage bag when not in use.
- Keep out leaves, debris and animals
- Prevents accidental access to the pool
- Easily supports the weight of a person
- Stops around 70% of evaporation
- Blocks sunlight and prevents algae growth
- Reduces pool maintenance and cleaning time
- Will reduce chemical consumption by around 50%
- Can reduce electricity consumption
- 525 x 565 Denier micron thickness
- High quality material, made in the USA
- 8 year pro-rata warranty
For more information please Contact Us at Epools
Discounted Zodiac Clearwater Salt Cells

Epools is happy to announce new discounted Zodiac salt chlorinator salt cells.
The new price is up to 30% off our already low price. This is not a special for a limited time. But our new current price for these cells.
The models included in this are:
- Zodiac LM3 series salt chlorinator cells
- Zodiac LM2 series salt chlorinator cells
- Zodiac Tri series salt chlorinator cells
- Zodiac C & B series standard salt cells
- Zodiac D series salt chlorinator cells
Salt Chlorinator Repair Services

Contact Us for Salt Chlorinator Repair Services
Hello Again
This is David the Justpools Service Technician
I just wanted to share with you one of my experiences with salt water chlorinators.
I had occasion to go out to a client’s residence to find out why his chlorinator was not working.
The service call had been requested by the client as his pool water tests kept showing low chlorine levels, however the client informed me that the unit appeared to be operating normally with plenty of gas coming from the cell during operation.
I arrived at the property and had a look to see what was going on.
The first thing i did was a water test to check for ph level and chlorine level, the results of the test showed that the ph level
was on the high side and the amount of free chlorine was very low.
My next step was to check the operation of the chlorinator and with the unit in operation I found that chlorinator was working normally.
After some more investigation I found the cause of the problem, it turned out that the client had the incorrect run times set up in the timer on the chlorinator. The run time set on the chlorinator time clock was from 10.am to 6pm daily.
That’s an operating cycle of 8 hrs per day.
Now the chlorinator was set on 100% output and was of a large capacity (35grams per hour) and with a run time like that for a 50,000 litre pool you would think that there would be plenty of chlorine in the pool, so how come very little or no chlorine ???.
To be able to answer this I need to explain a little bit about how the system works.
Now when you see a salt water chlorinator in operation and look at the electrode cell in the housing you will see a cloud of gas coming of the cell. This is caused by the reaction of the current between the plates of the cell and the salt (sodium chloride) in the water. I won’t go further into this as the chemical equations are quite complex, but in simple terms the sodium chloride molecule is broken down in to sodium and chlorine. The chlorine does its job of sanitizing the water and at a later stage in the reaction the chemicals recombine to form sodium chloride or salt.
The reason for that explanation is to try to make you understand that the chlorine coming off the electrode cell is of a very dilute nature and takes quite a while to build up to a concentrated level.
Now having said that you need to know that the worst enemy of chlorine is ultraviolet radiation which naturally comes from the sunlight. So in this case what was happening was that there was a dilute amount of chlorine coming off the cell and going into the pool, which was then pretty much being broken down by the action of the sunlight with the end result of a low chlorine level in the pool water at the end of the run.
The remedy to this was to do a split run, What i did was to set a morning run out of the strong sunlight hrs which was from 6 am to 9.30am and then an evening after sun run which was from 6pm to 10pm.
What happens in that setup is lets say at the start of the evening run the chlorine level is low, by the end of the evening run the chlorine level will have built up and it will sit there overnight sanitizing the water and then the early morning run kicks in and boosts the chlorine level high which gives it enough to last through to the evening run.
By using this method you can be sure of having chlorine in the water.
However this was not the only issue. the other issue was the high level of ph in the water.
When chlorine is added to water, one result is that the ph of the water is increased through the reaction of the chlorine and the water. A ph level that is above or below 7.5 has two side effects, one of them is that eye irritation can occur and the other is that chlorine becomes less effective as a sanitizer the more the ph is out from the normal range
Going back to the client, once i had added some acid to the water to bring the ph level to where it should be and added some liquid chlorine to the pool water to bring the amount of free chlorine to the right level and reset the time clock on the chlorinator,
within a few days his pool was back to normal.
I advised the client to give a daily dose of acid to the pool rather than a weekly dose to help keep the ph in balance.
Of course the better way to do this is by installing a chlorinator with a built in ph monitoring and acid dispensing system
Well that’s all for now till next time
Justpools Service Technician
Or call 1300 658 313
Davey Products Australia Silensor SLS and Silensor SLL Models

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The Davey Australia pool pump the Davey Silensor SLS and Davey Silensor SLL range of swimming pool pumps are suited for many water situations around the house or business. The Davey Super-Quiet system is designed with a quiet water cooled motor captures excess vibration, allowing the Davey Silensor a level of very quiet operation. Rated between 54dBa and 56dBa. When properly installed you will barely know it is running.
Ausralian Made for Australian Conditions. The Davey Silensor range of swimming pool pumps are made here in Melbourne Australia. These pumps unlike many other major brands, are not made in China or Malaysia to a budget! The Silensor range of pumps are tried and tested as a culmination of Daveys engineering experience in both the Pool, Irrigation and Water Treatment sector of the water industry.
The extra benefit of using a Davey Water Cooled pump. The Davey Silensor SLS and SLL range of pumps can easy be fitted into a unventilated, hot area as the water cooling system does not require a fan to cool the motor.
The Davey Silensor range is designed for dependability and a long service life. Never overheating because of it being water cooled and having a full polypropylene casing, it will never corrode unlike its metal and cast casing counterparts.
Davey Silensor SLS Range
This quiet running swimming pool pump featuring water cooling, which eliminates that wining fan noise, is an economical, long lasting swimming pool pump to suit all your sand filter or cartridge filter needs.
The Davey Silensor SLS range of pumps are designed as a direct screw in replacement for the older Davey Power Ace and Power Ace CR ranges of pumps.
Davey Silensor SLL Range
This quiet running high capacity swimming pool pump features many of the qualities of the Davey SLS Pumps including the quiet running water cooling system. With heavier duty motor and winding, and a large leaf basket at the front. This is an ideal premium quality pump for a swimming pool or spa pool application.
Key Features of the Davey Silensor SLS and SLL Models:
- High performance Water Cooled motor for energy efficient, quiet use all year round.
- Super Quiet Operation – rated between 54db and 56db. This is lower than the normal speaking voice of 65db.
- Large Leaf Basket – On Davey Silensor SLL models. The clear easy to remove lid to see collected debris.
- Dry Running Protection – to protect the pump when there is no water inside the pump.
- Davey Silensors’ are built with strong UV resistant polypropylene materials for strong service life.
- Quality ABS quick coupling barrel unions for simple installation.
- Silensor drain plug for quick draining of the casing for easy removal and maintenance.
The Davey Silensor SLS and SLL Models Excels in the Following Applications:
- Filtration – Davey SLS and SLL models are great for daily filtration needs.
- Automatic swimming pool cleaning. Both suction and some pressure cleaners.
- Sand and Media filter backwashing – suited for the high performance flow rates required to clean these types of filters.
- Water features – The Davey Silensor is ideally suited to the quite running needs of a garden water feature.
- Spa jet operation – Larger models with high flow rates are great for a firm or strong massage.
- Solar pool heating – Davey SLS models in particular are a consumer choice for longevity and quiet operation to run solar pool heating.
- Gas and Heat Pump pool and spa heating – Davey Silensor SLS and SLL models aren’t effected by the hot water output of direct heating systems.
The Davey Silensor SLS series of swimming pool pumps have been designed with the replacement swimming pool pump market in mind. The Davey pump engineers have designed the Davey Silensor SLS swimming pool pump to be a direct screw in replacement for the superseded Davey Power-Ace and Power-Ace CR range of pool pumps. The table below will give the change-over pool pump chart:
Davey Silensor Pool Pump Range | Davey Power-Ace & Power-Ace CR Range |
Davey Silensor SLS75 | Davey Power-Ace 75 & Power-Ace CR75 |
Davey Silensor SLS100 | Davey Power-Ace 100 & Power-Ace CR 100 |
Davey Silensor SLS150 | Davey Power-Ace 150 & Power-Ace CR 150 |
Davey Silensor SLS200 | Davey Power-Ace 200 & Power-Ace CR 200 |
Davey Silensor SLS300 | Davey Power-Ace 300 & Power-Ace CR 300 |
All models of the Davey Products Silensor SLS and Silensor SLL range come featured with the following manufacturer warranties:
Davey Silensor SLS swimming pool pump: 3-year domestic warranty and 1-year commercial warranty.
Davey Silensor SLL swimming pool pump: 3-year domestic warranty and 1-year commercial warranty.
Flow rates and performance for the Davey Silensor SLS75, SLS100, SLS200, SLS300 models:
Flow rates and performance for the Davey Silensor SLL200, SLL300, SLL400 models:
What’s In The Box:
The Davey SLS & SLL swimming pool pumps come with the following items in the box.
- One Davey SLS or SLL Swimming Pool Pump.
- Appropriate 40mm or 50mm Unions.
- Pump Lid Spanner
- Installation and Operating Instructions
Click her to go to Epools Davey Swimming Pool Pumps Range Listing
Also available through our “bricks-and-motor” store at:
200 Bulleen Rd, Bulleen 3105
Ph: 03 9850 8011
Please feel free to contact us through our online inquiry form. We are able to send all Davey Products items Australia Wide. So for the maximum convenience of shopping online. Use https://epools.com.au/ as your portal for the Davey Silensor SLS and SLL range of swimming pool pumps.
Click here to go to Inquiry Form
Epools Salt Chlorinator Repair Service

Repair or replace the chlorinator
In a lot of cases it is more economical and convenient to have your chlorinator repaired by us using our express repair service, rather than outlay the cost of purchasing a new chlorinator and more often than not having to pay for the new chlorinator to be installed due to difference’s in the plumbing configuration.
Here at Epools we can now offer you the choice of our express repair service, whereby you can have your faulty chlorinator sent to us via the post and we can tell you exactly what the cost will be for your chlorinator to be repaired prior to repairs being carried out or we can advise and recommend a suitable replacement unit if your existing unit is proven to be uneconomical for repair.
Use this Link to have a look at our Salt Chlorinator Express Service Page.
Robotic Pool Cleaners – The Only Way To Go

https://epools.com.au/ has a large range of Robotic Swimming Pool Cleaners. Why take the time to untangle that manual vacuum hose, plug it into the skimmer, most of the time loose prime of the pump (possibly leading to pump damage), spend the next hour trying to clean the pool floor and walls. Then just to repeat it the next week!
A lot of people use suction cleaners. This simply stops the skimmer box working to full efficiency, and forces most of the dust and debris to the surfaces of the pool for the cleaner to put back into the skimmer box, where it should have gone in the first place, or be whipped back up into the water by you trying to enjoy your pool on a hot day.
Epools robotic cleaners avoid all the messing around which you may have endured above. We have robotic pool cleaners from $750 up to intelligent remote controlled units which run on automated timer systems, which when removed from the swimming pool on their accompanying caddy leave the pool free for you to use.
So no matter what models your after from Zodiac, Dolphin, Davey and many more.
For more information simply:
Contact Us by Email
Call us on 1300 658 313
Visit us at: Justpools, 200 Bulleen Rd, Bulleen Vic 3105
Pool Covers -Save Water and Much More

For pool protection and greater efficiency the pool cover is an essential element for proper pool maintenance. A pool cover will not only keep any debris out, it will also help conserve the water and chemicals in it, and can also be a cost effective option for pool heating. Including Above Ground Covers, Abgal 610 Micron Triple Cell Covers and Winter Mesh Pool Covers, be assured that there are plenty of options for choice of pool cover. If the pool is above ground or in ground, large or small, it should have a cover and the right pool cover can be easily found.
For basic above ground pools, there are plenty of cover choices such as round and oval Polytarp Pool Covers, Above Ground Shade Cloth Mesh Covers and Keyhole Above Ground Shade Cloth Mesh Covers. All types will keep the pool free of leaves and help conserve water. They are simple and effective covers that are light weight and easy to set up for long winter periods where the pool isn’t used and easy to lift off once the warmer weather returns. It doesn’t matter what size the above ground pool is, all covers come in different sizes, so as long as you know the dimensions of the pool, you are covered!
If you are serious about your pool and like the water at the nicest of temperatures then the Maxi Solar Blanket is perfect. The Maxi Solar Pool Blanket is designed to use the natural energy of the sun to lift the water’s temperature and to then hold in that heat. Coming in either 400 or 500 micron types, the Maxi Solar Blanket is a very efficient at keeping water evaporation to a minimum and the chemicals in the water will work for longer periods. Using a Maxi Solar Blanket means you save in other areas as well: less electricity because of a decreased running time for a solar heating pump, less time cleaning and having to use the automatic pool cleaner a great advantages.
Specifically designed for heated pools in the cold seasons, the Winter & Thermal Pool Cover is ideal and first rate for covering the pool during these long periods. Made of high insulating foam, this particular pool cover floats on the pool surface protecting the Winter Thermal Pool Cover Winter Thermal Pool Cover will last and last, saving costs on heating and maintenance.
Other pool covers to be looked at when selecting the right one for your pool are Winter Reinforced Vinyl Covers which are strong, long lasting and easy to install with user friendly lockdowns and great for keeping the pool clean for long periods when not in use. Also, the Winter Mesh Inground Pool Cover is another fantastic option where it will keep out the debris and junk but allow rainwater through.
Make life even easier for yourself and consider a pool roller system. The Maxi Solar Roller, for example, is easy to operate and makes gathering the cover a breeze, as does the Hydrotools Solar Cover Roller.
There are always going to be times throughout the year where the swimming pool will be unused, particularly in winter. And with the need to be careful with water in this day and age then it makes complete sense to keep the pool covered in times when the pool area is dormant. Pool covers are a must have item if you are serious about pool care and maintenance, and will save water, the chemicals in the water and will prevent any foliage and debris from finking its way into the pool. Get covered!
Davey Platinum Dealer Award

Davey Products Australia has awarded Just Pools and Spas including https://epools.com.au/ their Platinum award for our sales and representation of Daveys’ products for the last 12 months. We have excelled in all the Swimming Pool Product categories including:
- Pumps including the Silensor and Powermaster ranges.
- Sand Filters and cartridge filters, dominantly the Davey Crystal Clear Sand Filter and Easyclear Cartridge Filter.
- Salt Chlorinators, mainly the self cleaning Chloromatic MCS/ECSC self cleaning salt chlorinator with the option of pH control.
- Pool Lighting, with recent technical advances we have seen a large shift from the traditional halogen lighting to L.E.D. lighting. This while initially more expensive offer huge saving in the future due to their extended reliability.
So all of us here at Justpools and Epools thank the help and support of our clients who have helped us achieve this great Davey Platinum Dealer Award for the year ending July 2011. And we look forward to this year of hard work resulting in hopefully an equal outcome for the next 12 months.
Please contact us through our Contact Us Page or by calling 1300 658 313